Date of our 10-year anniversary

We are going to celebrate our 10-year anniversary on Saturday 15 September in the Overvecht Spoorzicht School in Utrecht.

At present we are preparing an interesting and inspiring afternoon programme. More details will follow soon.

Café NME Mundial

On Saturday 1 July from 13:15 the next Café NME Mundial will take place at Utrecht Natuurlijk (Vreugdenhillaan 31, 3526 ZB Utrecht). You will meet Arnold Brouwer who will update all of us on the activities in Bolivia. Everyone is wellcome!

Thinking Beyond Borders

Alerta Verde has prepared a programme for international volunteers (via Thinking Beyond Borders) who were recently travelling 3 months through Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru. The volunteers received a crash-course in setting up square foot gardens. With their financial and physical support we have established 17 square foot gardens in some of the poorest parts of Cochabamba. A big thank you!


Urban Gardening


With a sponsorship of €50 the project team can provide an additional workshop. We’re going to give workshops to (school) children, youngsters in hostels, women in shelters, residents and families in both nutrition-related topics  as well as in how to set up a vegetable garden.
You can specify which workshop you would like to fund.